“I am Adriana Giraldo”

“Have you ever wonder if you are called to something greater?

Have you ever wonder if there is more to life than what you are currently DOING, BEING, and HAVING?

What If there is actually a path there?

What if I tell you that even you have tried everything before, there is a way...

Why do I say that?

Because I am the outcome of that...

I know how difficult it can be sometimes, and I also know it is possible... The question is, are you ready NOW for YOU?”

After more than 15 years in corporate America, and having checked all the boxes, I realized I had no life purpose and no direction. I was working my hardest to make other people’s dreams possible while leaving my own dreams behind.

In search of my passion and purpose I discovered that I was no longer willing to be a bystander in my own life… AND I was going to dedicate the rest of my time to empowering people craving change, curious about what is possible and hungry for knowledge about how to reinvent themselves and leave a legacy for the ones they love.

My passion is about reinventing “Wellness”…. Why you may ask? Because Wellness and Health are not about reaching a fitness goal… It is about accepting ourselves from the inside out.

It is very hard to control the mind with the mind... When our mind isn’t where we want to be, that’s where we need to look into our body… AND we want to use our BODY to SHIFT our MIND… 

That’s why I partner with “busy” individuals who are ready to leave their “busyness” behind…. AND are READY to reinvent themselves from the inside out, so they can live passionately, joyfully and authentically!

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Maybe you’re like me

Maybe you’ve lost your way and you don’t know anymore what’s really important to you… Purpose

Maybe the world feels overwhelming, exhausting and you don’t know where to put your attention… Focus

Maybe you find yourself in a place where there doesn’t seem to be a way out – all the doors in front of you stay closed and you feel trapped… Possibility

Maybe you’re living by everyone else’s rules and expectations and have yet to even stop and ask yourself what success is for you?… Success

Here’s what I know for certain. Life is too short, precious, fragile –

to spend time waiting to be who you really want to be.

If the corporate or business ownership makes you feel like merry

go round….. Never feeling like you get to be yourself, express your

real value and you’re just going in circles….

I can help you find the freedom you are longing for…

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Open Up




• Focus • Open Up • Create • Unlimited • Success

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